Friends Woods Work Day on Saturday, March 18 from 10 AM-12 noon

We will cut down last year’s stalks, pull the early weeds and remove any emerging honeysuckle bushes. We may scatter some sedge seeds over an area that was recently cleared of euonymus by Spott’s Landscape.

Please let Mary or Mindy know if you’re able to come. We can provide pizza or a light lunch for our hungry volunteers. Or contact the office at

Compost 101 on March 18 from 1:00-2:30 PM

Brooke Alford from the Purdue Extension will have a hands-on workshop here at First Friends.

We will spend part of the time outdoors at the west side of the garage where the garden compost bin is located. Want to make your own worm compost bin? Bring two 27-gallon trash containers and Brooke will show you how to drill the holes for this composting method. Bring your questions and your curiosity!

Want to hear about environmental issues as we start the second half of the State General Assembly session? HEC will host an online update this Thursday March 2 and 2 PM. Sign up here to get the latest updates.

HEC Legislative Update March 2.

As we learned from the environmental disaster that occurred in Ohio, the toxic components required for plastics production, should give us all pause. Please consider how you can limit your participation the overuse of single use plastics. Reuse as much as you can. Buy fewer plastic products that end up in the waste stream.

Did you know that the contaminated earth from the Ohio accident is going to a hazardous waste landfill in Roachdale, Indiana? As we consider environmental justice, I hope that this site is truly protecting the people and water near this area.
