From the Creation Care Team: A Sustainability Practice? 

Lent begins next week and some of our Christian brothers and sisters will be giving up various things or taking on some kind of spiritual practice during this time leading up to Easter. As Quakers we don't generally observe this practice. We feel that our behavior should match our spirituality ALL of the time. But we might sometimes do something a little extra to bring some goodness to ourselves and others during this time of focusing on Jesus' ministry leading up to the crucifixion.

As Quakers we want to be good stewards of the creation that God has given us. We of the Creation Care Team suggest we might want to try a "sustainability practice", some small way to be a good steward of the creation.

Here's one simple, economical and environmentally friendly idea for all you coffee drinkers out there. Buy yourself a reusable travel or commuter mug. I have one that has lasted for years and even survived a couple of "mug on top of car" incidents. They are usually bigger than the typical cup you will get from the coffee shops. Starbucks, McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts will put your Tall or Grande or whatever in your commuter mug and Starbucks will deduct 10 cents from the price. Viola! A simple way to reduce paper going into landfills or up in smoke. Try this simple practice and look for other possible suggestions for sustainable and environmentally friendly suggestions in the weeks to come.
